Thursday, January 04, 2007

p30. Short but sweet, we hope…

Let’s face it; it isn’t very often that opportunities of this magnitude present themselves.

Da’s demo cd is now complete and is being hand carried by a VP of an unnamed company today for review. Can we all say a prayer? I am not just being a mother here, but it really is good.

The scary thing for me is how thin she is now – I guess its part of the total package, but if you have read this blog for a period of time, you would understand my concern about weight.

I think my favorite statement regarding Da getting a recording contract is what her middle sister proclaimed – one evening I said, “Wouldn’t it be wild if she really gets a contract?” the middle sister’s reply, “Oh that would be great, our family business would be spread all over the front page of those trashy magazines every day”.

Sisters love… it’s so special.

Keep your fingers crossed, well while you’re at it… cross your eyes, your legs, your arms… ah what the heck – gather up all your friends and create a new form of Twister where everyone just lays on top of each other with their bodies crossing!

Remember my husbands Maserati depends on this, well after she writes the song, “My Dad’s so Hot, you’re Mom’s gonna want to Meet Him!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted you to know how important it is for me to read your sweet words about your daughter and your family. Without getting overly dramatic, I'd like to express my genuine gratitude for your blog. My 8 year old son was diagnosed bipolar back in May of 2006. Things have since then. But things have been interesting since he was a toddler as I am sure you'd know.

I love *E* with all of my heart. He is my first son and the only one with my husband who shares my looks. Unfortunately, he also shares a good deal of my genes and further research into his condition has proven to me that the last 30 years of my solitude within a crowd have a name. It's the mentally interesting leading the mentally interesting here. Wish us luck.

Angie in Ca.

5:11 PM  

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