Thursday, February 03, 2005

p.16 “We are family… I got all my sisters with me”

I should have asked you to pray for Da’s sisters too. It must be tough to be a sister or brother to a kid with Mental Illness; so much stuff is left in their dust, especially when they are the oldest.

Da’s sisters handle the whole thing differently. The youngest is her advocate and will not let you speak in a bad way; the middle sister is embarrassed but caring.

I remember when I had to go take Da to the emergency room (one of many times) and I had to call the girls school since the youngest was having a friend get off the bus. She was only in the 6th grade at the time so I asked if she would like to go to her friends instead or go with me, she went with her friend. The principal insisted on getting the middle one too, she was in 8th grade – when I asked her if she wanted to go with me or let herself in at home, her reply was “What would Da like me too do?” Heartwarming!

When the girls were younger, a bipolar sister meant intrusions that others didn’t have to experience, this meant visiting a hospital and all that comes with the hospital stay. The usual list was the “gay” family therapy, social worker visits, visiting hours, which inevitably led to the quest to find the way someone could commit suicide in a suicide free proof room. Sounds warped but it kept them amused. Now that they are older it is a different ballgame.

When you see your friend that is working in a store over the holidays and she tells you… “I saw your sister stealing in my store, but I didn’t say anything”, what the heck do you do? Peer pressure is so talked about and is truly an area you pray your kids can rise above, but peer humiliation is well, it must be embarrassing. It’s tough enough to try and fit in - some how no matter what the generation you can say “now days” here and it works.

I think it will be interesting how this all affects them as adults. I want to know if their career decisions will be founded based on youth experiences. I would be surprised I it wouldn’t be a major factor in how they chose their relationships.

If only we could be like the family next door? I am really beginning to understand, we are the family next door.

Excuse me, could I borrow a cup of sugar? Why is that “for sale” sign in your front yard?


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